Quality products sold with integrity has been a hallmark of Brasseler USA from the beginning.

It all started in 1959 when Peter Brasseler II, the founder of Brasseler USA, began his work as the International Sales Manager of a German manufacturer of dental rotary instruments. Over the next 17 years, Peter established diamond and carbide rotary instrument sales in 100+ countries around the world.

Today, Brasseler USA’s strong reputation of providing high quality, clinician endorsed and innovative dental and medical instrumentation nationally has spanned over 40 years. We have been offering a full-range of products made in the USA since 1976. Many of our products are manufactured at our headquarters in Savannah, GA.

We provide product literature, recommended instructions for use and sterilization procedures, technique tips, training videos, continuing education opportunities and other resources to assist you with using Brasseler USA products.